African-Cultural-Services: ACS  

About ACS

e are a tribute for African Cultural awareness and promotion throughout the world!
We teach and stage performances of African dances, drumming, story time, theater, cooking and craft workshops to all walks of life, and with our exclusive tailor made packages, insistently on celebrating the beauty and diversity of the African culture (from music, food, life style and fashion) we astonish you with priceless exposure!

All our presentations are designed to give our audience an overview of the African culture, the interdependency of our beliefs and values in music, dance, games, poems and life style. It is our stride to contribute to a better understanding of Africa, her culture and her way of life! 

N.B (This is not to contest nor is it to undermine any attention given to her challenges like poverty and hunger but rather to flip the coin and appreciate her way of life as well…)

In our programs we seek to inspire a lifetime acceptance of other cultures, built upon propagation of respect of other culture’s values and beliefs to nurture the rapidly growing multi-cultural communities throughout the world.

To achieve the above, we design our performances with the flexibility to accommodate audience participation and on some occasions we may presents with the locals, these could be our students in nations we have offices (USA and Germany). In such performances we share and relate concepts and celebrations that are similar in both cultures, and also learn about those that are different yet common.

What to gain from ACS?

Since life only offers a few opportunities for people to meet other ethnic origins or cultures, Acs plays the role of enriching you knowledge and understanding of other cultures, a fundamental to blend with today’s multi-cultural society. 

For the next generation ACS offers in schools and youth clubs a chance to learn more about other cultures through an educating yet entertaining format.

ACS uses authentic African tools; drums, costumes, music, and other materials, giving a deep insight into Africa and the people’s way of life.

Our performances with local participants are an easy learning curve to learn about other ways of life, and where the program is integrated into the school or community activities, an even greater cultural awareness is achieved, instituting a sound platform to attend to any differences with, acceptance and understanding.

The program also employs adults of African origin as mentors for youth of African origin, to act as advocates, challengers, nurturers, role models & friends, these mentors help the youth to understand their history, develop self-awareness & skills to help them fit into the Western Life style.

Who should Explore ACS…!

ACS projects are tailor-made to suit the needs of a broad range of individual groups including:

Kindergarten apprentice
After school programs
Summer programs
youth of any settings
people with disabilities
hospital patients
assisted live ins
festivals etc

Along other activities during school, Acs packages are flexible to fit any school curriculum. Our African Cultural Awareness workshops are another option fit for school festivals and after school programs.

The Offer 

Potential Customers
Possible occasions 
for the offer
Workshops / Activities
Making toys
Face painting
Discussion Topics 
Children birthdays

Cultural Tours and Travel to Uganda
A chance to know the REAL Country, 
People,way of life and attractions

LIVE African Percussion and Dance
- Schools
- School teachers,
- Professors 
- People interested in culture
- Kindergartens
- colleges & universities
- Adults in general 
- Sunday Schools
- Festivals
- as a part of the school curriculum
- After school program
- Summer camps etc

How you can help us

Part of our incomes together with help from sponsors, is redirected to orphans and poor families in Africa. We take pride in giving back to our mother land and that we have made some head way to this effect already attribute to our Germany friends!.

Help us, help others......, partner with us by way of telling others about us, attending our shows or sponsoring a friend or a group to our shows.

Thanks for your time in reading this profile and for giving us a chance to present to you.

From the board of directors of ACS
M/s Juliet Najjumba (Lead Facilitator/Founder)
M/s Edith Mulyanga (Co. Treasurer)
Mr. Robert Kayanja (Director of Projects/PR)

31 champney str # 1
Brighton Ma 02135 USA
Ph. 781-894-2157 / 781-3677976 / 617-372-0777
Website: ( ACS Home page still under construction)

Uganda Tours

Other Links to other projects   

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